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Short Films/Installations/Performance

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Coucoun Metamorphosis


Coucoun is a multimedia installation that serves as a re-imagining of metamorphosis in nature, where insect larvae undergo a radical transformation into adult life. The key feature of this process is the development of wings, and as humans, we often liken this process to a profound, deep slumber from which one emerges a different being.​​


This video is one of the two videos that were part of COUCOUN. The root of the video clips and sound clips are recordings of nature.


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Short Film: Beliefs


​​This work focuses on the questioning of beliefs and religious practices in this 21st century. Do this generation believe in these practices and cultures? Themed from personal family's beliefs, this film exemplifies and studies on stimulating the minds of the audiences, causing them to reflect and think about their own personal beliefs in their lives.

Performance Art:
The Hole


This work focuses on the questioning of beliefs and religious practices in this 21st century. Through experimenting with idea of a simple black cloth, this work invites audiences into a new realm with new beliefs and ideologies, questing these issues in individuals.

Interactive Installation: Sitting, as the world goes by


This is an interactive installation that addresses and brings out huge emphasis on the challenges in artistic theatrical performance and, in this case -- DANCING. Breaking down an elegant, expressive dance into individual phases and dance moves to show the building up of the atmosphere and the learning process of dancing. It challenges the idea of flexibility and the adaptability of the participant.


Addressing both physical and psychological aspects of human being, this platform will be one that clearly reflects and records human's actions and reactions in our current society. Furthermore, have delayed repeated recordings as the backdrop shows how one's past can affect the present and even the future.With this installation, there is great emphasis of space and environmental awareness where the evolution of a dance performance is transformed into an interactive reflective installation work.




Through the rapid advancement in technology and the fast-paced lifestyle, people all around the world gets connected quickly almost at anywhere, anytime and at any place. However, what they did not realise is that people have lost their need for physical interaction with others as opposed to the interaction in the virtual world.


Whirlabout is an interactive installation that allows people to construct interpersonal relationships through the idea of sharing. The idea encourages people to speak and to listen. Through their communcal participation, this minimalistic installation transforms into aesthetically beautiful spaces for them to experience a change, steering away from the virtual world, to a world of reality.



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